multiple host names doesn't work was updated by Aditya Babbar
Tuesday Jan 26
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multiple host names doesn't work was created by perrycz
Monday Jan 25
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Sometime Worker(s) not connecting to ... was created by Dharmarth Shah 07:32 PM ticket
Building webroar with MacPorts Ruby was created by btm
Tuesday Jan 19
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WebROaR Gem Path was updated by Aditya Babbar
Wednesday Jan 13
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WebROaR Gem Path was created by eveel 02:03 AM ticket
doesn't find libruby-1.9.1 on ubuntu was updated by Aditya Babbar
Tuesday Dec 22
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Webroar Installation fails was updated by Nikunj Limbaseeya
Thursday Dec 17
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Malfunctional WebROaR installed in /opt/rubywas updated by eveelTuesday Dec 15
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Malfunctional WebROaR installed in /opt/rubywas updated by Aditya Babbar 12:38 PM ticket -
Error "can't convert Fixnum into String" when Math.log() is called by number_to_human_size() method of Railswas updated by Josh RendekThursday Dec 10
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Error "can't convert Fixnum into String" when Math.log() is called by number_to_human_size() method of Railswas updated by Aditya Babbar 08:05 PM ticket -
Error "can't convert Fixnum into String" when Math.log() is called by number_to_human_size() method of Rails was updated by Josh Rendek 12:21 AM ticket
Malfunctional WebROaR installed in /opt/ruby was updated by eveel
Wednesday Dec 09
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doesn't find libruby-1.9.1 on ubuntu was created by rb2k 02:55 AM ticket
Malfunctional WebROaR installed in /opt/ruby was updated by Aditya Babbar
Tuesday Dec 08
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Malfunctional WebROaR installed in /opt/ruby was updated by eveel
Monday Dec 07
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Malfunctional WebROaR installed in /opt/ruby was updated by eveel 08:06 PM ticket
Unable to locate 'gcc' on Snow Leopard during installationwas updated by Dharmarth Shah 07:33 PM ticket -
Webroar has dependency on old, less secure, version of rails 2.3.2was updated by Dharmarth Shah 07:27 PM ticket -
Error "can't convert Fixnum into Stri... was created by Aditya Babbar 05:36 PM ticket
don't require sudo was updated by Aditya Babbar 04:13 PM ticket
Unable to locate 'gcc' on Snow Leopard during installation was updated by Aditya Babbar 04:12 PM ticket
Malfunctional WebROaR installed in /opt/ruby was updated by Aditya Babbar 03:06 PM ticket
Malfunctional WebROaR installed in /o... was created by eveel
Sunday Dec 06
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don't require sudo was created by Bobby Wilson
Saturday Dec 05
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specs hang was created by Bobby Wilson
Sunday Nov 29
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Unable to locate 'gcc' on Snow Leopard during installation was updated by Bobby Wilson 09:46 PM ticket
Webroar has dependency on starling-starling gem which does not exist on GemCutter was updated by Aditya Babbar 05:52 AM ticket
Webroar has dependency on starling-starling gem which does not exist on GemCutter was updated by Glenn Rempe 01:17 AM ticket
Webroar has dependency on starling-starling gem which does not exist on GemCutter was updated by Glenn Rempe 01:16 AM ticket
Webroar has dependency on starling-starling gem which does not exist on GemCutter was updated by Aditya Babbar 12:09 AM ticket
Webroar has dependency on old, less secure, version of rails 2.3.2 was updated by Aditya Babbar 12:04 AM ticket
Webroar has dependency on old, less s... was created by Glenn Rempe
Saturday Nov 28
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Webroar has dependency on starling-st... was created by Glenn Rempe 11:08 PM ticket
Webroar Installation fails was created by Gary Doades
Friday Nov 27
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Process multipart formwas updated by Dharmarth Shah 04:15 PM ticket -
Unable to locate 'gcc' on Snow Leopard during installation was updated by Aditya Babbar 03:18 PM ticket
Unable to locate 'gcc' on Snow Leopar... was created by Aditya Babbar 03:12 PM ticket
Process multipart form was created by Alexander Stanko
Thursday Nov 26
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Server head keeps on trying repeatedly to create a new worker if it fails to do so the first time was updated by Aditya Babbar
Thursday Sep 17
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Home was edited by Aditya Babbar 08:21 PM page
Home was edited by Aditya Babbar 08:20 PM page
Home was edited by Aditya Babbar 08:20 PM page
Home was edited by Aditya Babbar 08:19 PM page
Server head keeps on trying repeatedly to create a new worker if it fails to do so the first time was updated by Aditya Babbar 07:17 PM ticket
Nikunj Limbaseeya was invited to the WebROaR - Ruby Application Server Project. 07:06 PM member
Server head keeps on trying repeatedly to create a new worker if it fails to do so the first time was updated by WebROaR Administrator 06:23 PM ticket
Server head keeps on trying repeatedl... was created by Aditya Babbar 06:13 PM ticket
Ashish Sharma was invited to the WebROaR - Ruby Application Server Project.
Wednesday Sep 02
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<strong>Source Code Location</strong>
Repository is at <a href="http://github.com/webroar/webroar" target="_blank">http://github.com/webroar/webroar</a>
Check out the development master:
git clone git://github.com/webroar/webroar.git
<strong>Creating a bug report</strong>
When creating a bug report, be sure to include as much relevant information as possible.
Security vulnerabilities should be reported via an email to security@webroar.in, do not use lighthouse for reporting security vulnerabilities. All content in lighthouse is publicly available as soon as it is posted.